I am a fan of many super heroes. why? because, a hero may have a super natural powers, they may have the ability to fly. What i need is a hero like superMAN to shook me up when i'm fall down and stand up. I need a hero to replenish my destroyed story.
There's a man who is a breadwinner in my family ,a man who will make us stronger and better family bonding and always happy. no one is better like him, he can do many household chores alone but sometimes if no one help him once he is like me who cannot manage or control our anger. he has no powers but he may have the power to teach us and lead us to the right direction to have a better life and taste the successful of being guide. that's a hero for me, not all hero are like my father, he is my hero.


daniann said...

i like your post

DerickVinceMorales said...

It’s very nice,but you should explain more my friend.

Joyann said...

Yah!right not all our hero are our mother can be also our father.....=))

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