teachers are considered as living heroes

A greetings for all the teachers that hardly teaching us for the successful future. A teachers with pride, full of respect and loyal to their one and only school the Ilocos Sur National High School.
Teachers consider people their highest priority, and their communication often asserts a personal concern and willingness to help. teachers are considered as our second parents and they work hard, to taste the victory of life. teaching is a nobles profession, teachers are studying continuously ,they wont stop till they reach the highest positon or highest degree they want
No matter how hard it gets, the lessons they will share we will not forget. With all the teachers close to my chest, I won’t stop till I reach the highest and last step. What we learn from our teacher are treasure, because their are few heroes have the ability teach,none of the marvel, capcom , street fighter and etc. u can learn nothing but teachers have the power to teach. teachers are always there to lift us up, and they give us comfort and strength to stand up.

all teachers are on mission, through any storm and distance. just teach us and lead us in the road of successful future. I’m picking up the pieces, burning all the weakness, might my future depends on my skill, talents, and potentials.all teachers for me are heroes...


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